The Mandarin Store and Post Office evokes memories of small town and village general stores across America. It was the hub of village life from 1911 until it closed in 1964. It sold everything from canned goods from South America, to meat, animal feed, fish, cold soda, and penny candy. It was a favorite for area children because the school bus stopped out front. The original proprietor and postmaster was Walter Jones. His daughter, Miss Agnes (Aggie) Jones, took over when he died in 1928.

Due to a long-lasting partnership, the building, which is owned by the Mandarin Community Club, is leased to Mandarin Museum & Historical Society for $1.00 per year. It was restored in 1998 with the help of a matching grant from the Florida Department of State Division of Historical Resources as well as private donations. The Mandarin Store and Post Office is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Displays include some of the original furnishings and other memorabilia.

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